quantum_mechani said:
Meglobob said:
It does not seem to hit all good scales as before but does delight in turning order 3 to order 0-1 even with 9 or 10 dominion.
Obviously it's a balance feature to take those order-junky power gamers down a peg.
Ha ha, got to say I am happy with my choice of taking order 3 luck 3 now in a MP game, rather than order 3 misfortune 3.
Those poor suckers who took order 3 misfortune 2-3 are going to have a entertaining early game, ha ha
Btw, I deceided to be clever and take turmoil 1 misfortune 2 in another MP I am in, bad idea, never again. I have had 7 labs destroyed (no kidding), my capital lab has burned down 4 times, 3 in other castles.
I blame those clumsy old fire mages...