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Old February 8th, 2008, 09:36 PM

Stryke11 Stryke11 is offline
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Default Re: Choosing a Country: Adventures of a N00b

Bit off topic but for the first responder the phrase "x makes me a sad panda" is from the South Park episode, "Sexual Harrassment Panda" which basically was about some of the complexities of the sexual harrassment issue and had a side story of random mascots (hence a panda, which has nothing to do with SH).

PS. I love late age, so I just wanted to throw that in since the consensus seems to be that it sucks. I love the vamps with Ulm, the Mictlantlantis, spooky Marignon, Man meets Heavy Steel & Crossbows, cult Pythium, and now Bogarus. Yeah, jotun, vanheim, tien chi, and a few others are almost exactly the same as other eras with like one different unit (my main criticism of the 'heims in general) but overall I'd say late age is my favorite.
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