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Old February 9th, 2008, 08:26 AM

Shovah32 Shovah32 is offline
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Default Re: help concerning combat scripting

You can't really target leaders like that - things would get messy if you could.

Hold and attack X is generally best for supported infantry - so if you have mages buffing your guys/blasting the enemy or even just some archers doing damage hold and attack will give you more time to do that.

Attack Closest is general. Your troops will just charge forward to fight. I tend to prefer hold and attack, but just attack has its uses - particularly if the enemy has a stronger ranged/magic force than you do.

Attack/Hold and Attack Rear/Archers are both a little more specific. The only units that can(in most cases) pull these commands off are fast units(like cavalry), flyers and of course - tramplers. These commands can be great, allowing you to get around the enemy front line and take out their more vunerable units such as archers and maybe even commanders.
But like everything else, they aren't perfect - the commands don't always work as planned and the units you send behind have a good chance of being taken out unless they are incredibly tough or you crush the enemy frontline very quickly - a good example of this would be Caelian Mammoths and some of their tougher flying infantry(the chaff guys would just be killed by routing troops) - very few enemy troops would be left alive.

Fire Closest is nice for archers, but unless your meat-shield has either high protection or a big shield(preferably both) then you have to be careful.
Fire Archers is good, as the name suggests, for taking out enemy archers. It works particularly well if you have a better range than them(eg: longbows v shortbows) and/or you're likely to win the melee battle without your archers taking out their infantry.

Yes, I haven't covered all the commands and nowhere near all possible scenarios. This games is too big for there to be 'best' commands to give your troops without knowing more about what is happening(your troops, enemy troops, avaliable magic ect).
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