Thread: Guide Guide to communions
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Old February 10th, 2008, 10:57 AM
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Default Re: Guide to communions

Baalz said:
Having the slaves in the classic communion cast spells is a dangerous move best reserved for battles you're not sure you can win otherwise. The reason is because going 15 turns before slaves die will take you through most battles, but if you can only last 10 turns you'll often find your slaves dying as your masters try to hit the fleeing remnants of your enemy. Not much more annoying than that...
I think this really just depends. When I was playing Arco I was able to always have my slaves spamming soul slay. Since my communions were built around a Banner of the Northern Light + Power of the Spheres, a guy who already has 3 astral isn't going to be paying much fatigue to cast Soul Slay.

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