Re: quickness attack bonus?
That's with increased AP, or with quickness/Heroic Quickness/whatever.
I'm talking about the number of attacks without quickness. Basically, if Nataraja with four Swords of Swiftness can kill 3 people or 8. I just tested this: a Nataraja with 7 attacks (sword of swiftness = 2, picus's axe = 2, wave breaker = 3) always killed one full grid's worth of people in one turn. Maximum killed was 3, minimum killed was 1 when the enemy was retreating.
Units CAN move and attack on the same turn. You've all seen archers move a bit closer before attacking, or cavalry moving and delivering a devastating charge that decimates the enemy force. The Nataraja of the above example moved forward and killed 3 people, so the above test also proves it.
This means that to target 3-4 squares, you'd need at least 151% Heroic Quickness and normal Quickness. You can't target 9-12 units with the above Nataraja, except if he has 151% Heroic Quickness and normal Quickness, even if he had infinite amount of attacks.