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Old February 15th, 2008, 01:30 PM

Ylvali Ylvali is offline
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Default Re: Acouchi - MA game for new players (full)

Saxon said:
As I say, Death is nothing to be feared. Nero is dead, but happy. I am dead and happy. It is the living who are unhappy.

As for the chauvanisim of the human race, I must implore Ulm to remember that this material plane is shared with many species, not just humans. To be so focused on one race may be seen as evil. All are united in death, it is a much more equitable system than the humancentric views of the smoking forges.
Dead? I am not dead, nor am I happy. For the harp lies idle by my feet when I see what you do to my former empire. You praise death as natural, as unity, as if it was death you gave. But you are sorly mistaken.

I cannot stay silent by the sound of such hypocrisy. There cannot be death without life, nor can there be life without death. But you, you want to take them both away and give nothing back. You steal from the people their precious death, their final sleep. Oh, how much worse than taking lives!

Your realm is neither life nor death, but emptyness and dust. And by this dull and witless path you wish to lead my people?

I, who was dead and reborn by the power of love. Not undead, mind you, but reborn! I see the mutual dependance of life and death and cherish it, sing my praise to it! As all the good things in this world are born of this duality.

You speak of human egocentricity. May I ask you then: Do the birds sing happily in your lands? Do the trees grow strong and green in your forests?

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