Re: quickness attack bonus?
Found an old turn of game.
Jarl, level 4, 16 basic APs. Heroic ability - 129%
No Cold effects, no swamp effects.
Out of combat, i.e. no quickness.
o With Ice Aegis (enc 1) and chain mail of displacement (enc 2) Total Encumberance 4. 29 APs.
o With Ice Aegis (enc 1) and full leather armour (enc 1) Total Encumberance 3. 32 APs
o With no shield and full leather armour (enc 1) Total Encumberance 2. 34 ap.
I think quickness in combat just doubles APs.
My theory for formula.
BattleAP = NormalAP * SpellMultiplier * HeroicMultiplier
NormalAP = BasicAP + ColdEffects - TerrainEffects - (EquipmentEncumberance - ExperienceBonus)
SpellMultiplier = 1.5 for Blessing, 2 for Quickness/ItemEffect
HeroicMultipler = 1 + AbilityValue
Which is exactly your formula :-) Value is rounded down.