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Old February 16th, 2008, 05:09 PM
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Default Has luck been accidentally nerfed...

... by the last patch. Or is it just an impression ?

I currently play a game with luck 3 / turmoil 2 / magic 3 / growth 3 scales. I have a rather big empire (30+ provinces, about 3/4 with my luck scale).

The ten turns before the patch I never had less than 3 events a turn, with a large majority of gems events and occasionnal gold (including a 3000gp) and only two time militias in 35 turns.

Compared to that, the turns played since the last patch seem exceptionally crappy : I had 2 turns with only 2 events and even a turn with only one, and got in total only one gem event and only one (200) gold event, 2 times the new "lowborn warriors" event, 2 times a flagellant event, a merchants prosperity decreasing faith in a province, and all other events were bandits (3 times in 5 turns, really strange with luck 3).

May the events table or luck mechanics have been altered by the addition of the new ones or is it just exceptionnal real bad luck ? Has someone else find luck behavior strange in 3.14 ?
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