Re: Acouchi - MA game for new players (full)
Satisfactory punishment you say? I am glad you asked for it.
Well, hopefully we have just captured the fearsome general Dong-yue Da-di, prophet of Golden Eye, god of Tien-Chi.
This man, known for his legendary cruelty was fleeing from a raid on our farms that went bad when our patrolling forces came up.
He was then brought to the Black Keep of Ulm to allow our experimented torturers to learn the truth.
He admitted he has received orders to raid and pillage Ulmic provinces.
He confessed the slaughter of many innocent peasants as he and his men burnt their houses, raped their wives, mutilated their children and took their gold.
He even forced enlistment of some young barbarians who were obliged to charge in front of his raiders in order to distract our archers, threatened by his own archers.
In the end, he recognised to worship a false god in heretic black sabbath and awful blood baths.
Finally he was condemned for his deeds and received the satisfactory punishment you asked.
This morning, he publicly repented his awful crimes and asked for mercy. He was then beheaded and quartered in front of a crowd of spectators in the courtyard of the Black Keep.
I regret you weren't there to attend to this rightful judgement but I hope your fellow citizens will rejoyce for the disappearance of such a monster.
His mutilated head must reach you soon.