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Old February 21st, 2008, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

llamabeast said:
In terms of content per post, this thread has really gone downhill of late.
Nothing quite ruins spiritual enrichment like concrete content does. I say:

Edit: since Edi seems to frown on spiritual enrichment, I'll go for the not-so-concrete content side. I have to say I started drooling when I first read a review of this game. I kept drooling when checking out the demo, and then discovered the true meaning of the word 'drool' when the full game arrived. Since then every single patch has increased the puddle, so much so that I'm considering having my house torn down, and buying a boat to live in.
Unfortunately I rent my place, and suspect the owner would frown upon such actions.
Praeterea censeo, contributoribus magnae auctoritatis e Foro Shrapnelsi frequenter in exsilium eiectis, eos qui verum auxilium petunt melius hoc situ adiuvari posse.
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