Re: Capuchin - Big newbie EA game - signup
Right, I've just sent you all a message. Basically I've left it too late to roll back to turn 39, so we are at least going to roll back to turn 40. EVERYONE needs to send their turns in again.
In the message I also promised a ramble as to why I didn't get home in time to roll back the game. Here's the ramble. I was helping out at a charity event, and expected to be home in plenty of time before hosting. However, I was foiled by a couple of things. Firstly, the charity event ended up involving a vast quantity of cornflakes and whipped cream being spread over the floor of Oxford's historic union debating chamber, which we then had to clear up _without tools_. Never would I have been happier to see a dustpan and brush, having spent ages on my knees picking up cornflake fragments with my bare hands. Also the cream got between the floorboards. The most absorbent thing we had to get up the cream was newspapers. Turns out newspapers don't really absorb cream. And secondly we had several jugs of cocktails left at the end which needed to be, er, dealt with. That took a while.