NTJedi said:
Loren said:
Anything about the battleground overload bug?
Can this be reproduced editing a .map file and having two massive armies clash?
Is this bug terrain/weather specific?
What's the current maximum number of units for both sides on the battlefield?
It's related to fortress attacks. The last time I hit it the attackers were 501 units (I had Eyes of God up), the defender was a single commander. I've posted an example of it on here, I forget where by now. This was the bug fixed in IIRC 3.08 but it came back in 3.10.
I'm not sure exactly what the situation is as I tried to keep the battle from happening. I had a nearby army that could smash the attackers, I ordered them to take the square. I would have thought that happened before the seige was resolved but it still crashed. I tried again, this time using Astral Travel to send them in to make it happen even earlier, it still crashed.