Re: Invisible Kingdom
To Pythium: The only name you have to know is Helena, true goddess of this world.
To Abysia: We declare war on you. When vulcanic eruptions and plagues strike your land, it will dawn upon you what mistake you just made.
To Eriu: Yes, Eriu, Agartha the invisibile, the one that sees all, the one that no one knows, where it lies, the one that knows what you do and where you are. You soon will feel the unmatched might of Agartha the Invincible. Soon the eriuan.. errr erii.. errrr er... your blood will stain your provinces. Perhaps my invisible invincible army is in your cupboard? Or in your desk? Or hide in the fur of your cat? Is that a pen? Or is that the invincible Agarthan army? You soon will know. Tremble in fear!