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Old February 22nd, 2008, 03:55 PM

silhouette silhouette is offline
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Default Re: How about a SP Wii version of Dominions 4?

Endoperez said:
... I also doubt the engine would work just like that on the Wii, because console hardware and OS are pretty different from all of the computer systems Dominions is available for.
I'm not so sure about this one. The Wii CPU we know is a PPC variant, and remember that from it's release until 3.06 Dom3 runs fine on PowerPC Linux (at that time apparently the machine they built that version on died [*pause for a moment of pity for PPC linux user*]). So we know the codebase can be built endian-compatible and it looks compiled with gcc, so... why not? There is a linux available for Wii too. The Gfx may be a bigger deal, but they would have to run hosted on some OS, so hopefully the OGL layer would be there already.

I would welcome and would gleefully re-purchase a Dom3 port to any of the current available consoles. PS3 first please

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