I have a question, what's those crown around the map ? Never see something like this before even when i was testing primea. I thunk it's players position first but, there aren't 12 of them.
Anyway, i wish everyone good luck and fun for that first game

( you see Caelum god is nice, remeber that, we're just little birdys, you won't hurt a little bird will ya ? )
Edit : wow ! an other question concerning the validations of turns. I ve just look at the result here, and i was'nt suppose to play my turn, i was planning to do that after lunch. Anyway i just use the commend "save and quit" and i saw that my turn was considering done ( on the internet page for primea game ). Is there a way ( for the next turn, those which need more time, to save our orders and don't validate our turn ? I hope i'm clear enought to be understood.