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Old February 23rd, 2008, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: Game started

Holy_bricklayer said:
I have a question, what's those crown around the map ? Never see something like this before even when i was testing primea. I thunk it's players position first but, there aren't 12 of them.
They're called victory points. I haven't quite figured out how to start a game from the command line without having some of them in the game. If you conquer this province, it will raise the Dominion of your god by one (like temples).

StormCrow434 said:
I am assuming that if you are in and making changes, the game will not host until you finish, even if Ulm signs on and completes his turn while you are 'working' on your corrections.
If the last player hands in his turn orders then the server will host, regardless if there are other players connected or not. The server doesn't know you might still be preparing that turn.

StormCrow434 said:
Ich posted elsewhere that it is best to download the turns and play 'offline'...I am not sure how to do this. Ich, could you give a brief explanation how to do this for us newbies? Or give us a thread where we can look it up?
Connect to the server, enter your password. Then your client will download the (new) turn file to your computer. When you then can see the server overview with the nation flags, immediately disconnect again. You can then prepare your turns offline via the "Play a local game" menu. When you are finished preparing the turn, connect again and your client will automatically upload the turn file. Do NOT connect again until you are completely done with preparing the turn.
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