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Old February 24th, 2008, 02:29 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)

Version 0.9 is up. It isn't really a major update, but it cleans things up nicely and makes use of onebattlespell a bit.

-- removed copystats for the majority of units and stuck in appropriate darkvision values instead

-- removed the stinking fur fix used to get around shields added by now defunct copystatting, freeing up armour slot 321

-- checked IDs against my other MA nations and against CBM complete 1.21, no conflicts

-- Onebattlespells - Snikch (darkness), Thanquol (Twist fate), Seerlord (twist fate), Ikit Claw (Charge Body), Verminlord (divine blessing), Screaming Bell (fanaticism)
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