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Old February 26th, 2008, 07:14 PM

Ylvali Ylvali is offline
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Default Re: The Marignon-Eriu War

Cyy Coth, king of atlantis was awakened by a knock on his shell.

- Yarr wazzups? He murmured irritably, for he had enjoyed a most pleasant dream about a young atlantess.

- Eze mass! The servant cried. - Aizz tel ya dem trollkin aahtsid, wasal ee dhoo?

Trolls outside? Cyy Coth flung the shell open and quickly swam along the corals to the rim of the great dome. Yes, indeed. The water was full of sea trolls swarming around hacking at the corals, breaking way fast. This was indeed gruesome as only the kings and their personal servants resided in Atlantis ever since the crusade began, and all troops were gone ashore to secure HER will.

- Garter upz em Kingies naaz eejit! He shouted at his servant, who swam off to wake the other kings.

Cyy Coth sighed heavily, summoning a horde of green bubbles. As much as he hated it, he knew they would have to call HER home to squish the trollkin. Sure he knew she was the mother, Jolkuna, god of the infinite deeps and his love and faith was as great as anyones but still, he prefered when she was far away.

A troll broke a hole in the coral next to him and stuck its head in. Cyy sighed again and waved his hand at it.

- Sheesh bagger ahwf dampazz!

The trolls head silently imploded and drifted away like a red cloud.
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