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Old March 5th, 2008, 01:15 AM
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Default Re: Game: Testament of Blood (running)

FedSlayer said:

Mighty brave of someone who apparently hides in a cave for a living to encourage aggression on the peaceloving citizens of Caelum. Doubly brave for the likes of Ermor to suggest that "someone" or more percisely "someone else" do so. Someone else that Ermor could stab in the back maybe?

Caelum has need of being near the top of some of the stats. We seem to attract all sorts of independent attacks and, as everyone knows, our PD is not up to the task of defending provinces from barbarians, knights, and other riffraff.

Two of our neighbors chose to wage war on Caelum and we gratiously allowed them to satisfty their security needs at our expense. We hold no grudges and only ask that we be allowed to mind our own business.

Ermor on the other hand is now in the business of casting global spells. Doing so without consulting the other nations. The world is wondering "what global will Ermor cast next" and how will it affect the rest of the world?

The living citizens of the world are concerned about the zombie food pyramid and what part they might play in it.

Hah! Choke!. You have eliminated two nations already. What is this business about minding your own?

And if we could attack you, we would. Unfortunately, several friends stand in the way of us encountering you. We will not try to go through them to get to you, but we will support them.

As for Globals, the only reason we cast GOH was that our mages are old men, and they need something to keep them quick-witted. We have no further global spells planned.

Seriously, Ermor is a bit-player in this game. Caelum is the nation to beat.
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