Sombre said:
As I just said in the other thread, this also effects ermor's enemies. If you invade you face supply problems (fairly easily mitigated, admittedly) and you get worthless land for your troubles. If they dompush they start to kill your income on the borders.
It just makes them more extreme, not necessarily much weaker.
Take the capital and you get 15 death gems though - that is always been the real reason to attack them early.
The big problem is that your dominion is so horrible now that your neighbors MUST attack you early on unless they want' all their border provinces completely depopulated.
Also the fact that because your income will be so very, very horrible means that you build less temples and less forts which means less and weaker freespawn. You are underestimating the impact money directly has on your undead hordes. Temples = dominion, dominion = freespawn, Forts = upgraded freespawn.
No money = much less freespawn.