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Old March 7th, 2008, 12:46 AM

Xavier Xavier is offline
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Default Re: LA Ermor\'s Dominion Change in 3.15...

i think you can fix your income slightly by raising taxes to 200%. pop dies so fast anyway you do a little better by milking it hard when people are still alive. i did some tests and it looks like after 5 turns you're about 200 gold ahead by pushing 200% taxes. and this means that unrest decreasing events are more helpful too. and i still have to test, but i suspect that patrolling with 200% taxes will be even better, because the pop loss will be negligable next to what your dominion does, but the increased tax revenue with minimal increases in unrest will be even better for your income.

but in general, yeah...the pop loss does seem a bit extreme. i think for diplo i'm gonna have to promise EVERYONE i encounter not to put any temples on their borders, and to keep my pretender an profit away from there. I'm hoping that'll work....
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