Re: Jarl vs Oni
*** Disclaimer: I never played nor faced Niefelheim, so my views might be a bit skewed ***
In general I would have to agree with you, and consider the Niefels to be better SC's, for the reasons you mentioned: Better out of the box, (making them more useful for early expansion too) more likely to carry a good bless, and also their innate cold aura. (this is major against chaff) They also have 50% more hp and 6 more strength. Finally, they're not deamons, so they're not vulnerable to deamon counters.
The Dai Oni do have a better potential as battlefield mages though. While I do believe you want most of them on the frontline, having the option to have a number of them casting battlefieldwide spells like earthquake, rain of stones, darkness and firestorm/heat from hell, possibly with their immune/immunized SC equiped companions acting as bouncers gives them extra power and flexibility in the late game.
Praeterea censeo, contributoribus magnae auctoritatis e Foro Shrapnelsi frequenter in exsilium eiectis, eos qui verum auxilium petunt melius hoc situ adiuvari posse.