Thread: Jarl vs Oni
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Old March 7th, 2008, 03:53 PM
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Default Re: Jarl vs Oni

With Jarls, you can get a great bless and have good scales.

An imprisoned monolith gets you:

nature 6/ astral 9 bless
order 3
productivity 2
cold 3
growth 1
luck 1
drain 2

Alternately you can juggle some of the scales around, lose the luck, get rid of the drain etc or even get some earth magic in there for reinvigoration.

My point being, I don't understand why people take nature so high on Niefelheim blesses, I think you lose out on quite a bit just to have some giants go berserk. If you want it that bad, just slap a berserker pelt on them.
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