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Old March 7th, 2008, 04:38 PM
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Gregstrom Gregstrom is offline
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Default Re: 24 hour delay

Lord Virbius was waved into General Servilius' tent by an awed guardsman. He saluted as the General rose to greet him. "You wished to see me, General?" he said. "Yes," Servilius replied, "I was hoping for a report on how our troops performed during the recent clash of swords with Machaka."

"Well, General," Virbius grinned, "our troops certainly earned their overwhelming victory. The skirmishers were effective in their role, although they suffered the expected high casualties. Our archers performed as we expected, although the Amazon squad taking the brunt of the enemy fire did experience significant losses before their morale broke. The enemy archers suffered rather worse punishment, naturally. Machakan Hoplites in formation resist archery almost as well as a legionary testudo, it has to be said."

"I have nothing but praise for our line troops, who are capable of taking on many times their number of hoplites. The Guard annihilated all who stood in their way, naturally, and the only reason so many of the enemy survived is that they can run like wild hares."

"Magical support was excellent, although the misfires that took out some fine legionaries are regretted to say the least. Adnachiel is very literally a blessing upon us, and his converts will fight on an equal basis with any of our men. None dared touch him on the battlefield, as you well might expect."

"Yes," Servilius agreed "And I'm juat as glad that Angel of Vengeance went off to do his own thing. He made me nervous. I always felt as if something... other... was watcing me when he was nearby". He shook himself, and changed the subject. What should we do about the deicide among our ranks, Virbius?"

As the Emerald Lord drew breath to answer, a sudden breeze blew through the tent carrying with it the scent of spring flowers. Both men paled, as a vast Presence sent its attention in their direction momentarily.

"It would appear that decision has been made for us. He will be ennobled and returned to duty."
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