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Old March 11th, 2008, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: LA Ermor\'s Dominion Change in 3.15...

johan osterman said:
Omikron warrior, by 22-23 turns a province held in growth 3 should have an income equal to that of a order 3 province with growth 0.

It should take about 100 turns to double population with growth 3.
My "break even" is a bit more comprehensive then that. Current income might be equal after so many turns, but I take into the "lost" income from not having +21% the whole time. Thats where I get my 42 turn figure from. At that point you have made just as much money as had you picked Order-3, Growth-0. Feel free to link I gave above and the spreadsheet to make sure my math is right.

As for when population doubles with growth-3, its an easy calculation to make. 1.006^x=2, or x=ln2/ln1.006, or x=115.9.
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