Re: LA Ermor\'s Dominion Change in 3.15...
Growth: +1 +2 +3 +4 = +10
Order: +2.5 +2.5 +2.5 +2.5 = +10
Total extra gold for growth and order may be the same up to the breaking point, but growth allows you to invest it early. Lies, damn lies, statistics ! Breaking point is the breaking point only for people who sit idle scratching their backs. Another advantage of Order is that it quickly covers your newly conquered provinces. Looking at it this way, Order may actually pay more in the long run than Growth does. Not only Growth benefits mostly your core provinces, but it also benefits your enemy if he captures your territory. Order, on the other hand, disappears from your provinces when your enemy conquers them (destruction of temples, prophets, pretenders, enemy builds his own temples etc) And I'm pretty sure it makes your territory easier to invade, because it provides supplies for enemy army ! (The fact that no one noticed this before is a testament to the pointlessness of supplies in Dom3)
Those who do not understand Master Of Magic are condemned to reinvent it - badly.