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Old March 12th, 2008, 12:12 AM

ComTrav ComTrav is offline
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ComTrav is on a distinguished road
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After many turns of faithful service, Frodo Boggit, the Hoburg Hero, has met a sad and untimely end at the hands of Vanheim. Originally hired by Ulm to stop the lances of Heavy Cavalry, he served much longer than expected and had many distinguished battles, mostly against a few points of Van PD. Personally responsinble for the destruction of no less than two Vanheim temples, this diminutive figure blazed a path of blood across Primea. It is said that upon hearing news of his death, the priests of the God of Vanheim decreed it to be a turning point in the struggle against Ulm.

When asked to comment on the death of this Hoburg, a symbol of terror and fear for all Vans everywhere, Erkeborn, Prophet of the God of Ulm, remarked that he would no longer have to remember to shell out gold every couple months, and expressed regret that the Hoburg Hero could not have waited until next month, the last on his current contract, to die.
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