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Old March 12th, 2008, 01:22 AM
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Default Re: LA Ermor\'s Dominion Change in 3.15...

johan osterman said:
There used to be, and still is as far as I know, a 1.001 base growth at growth scale 0. Which is where I got the 100 turns, as in (turns)=ln2/ln(1.007)
There appears to be no base growth. I just tested it, it's suposed to happen every single turn, not every 2 turns or anything like that, right ? 30370 in Man capital. One turn later, 30370. I vaguely remember Kristoffer being surprised that there's no longer base growth, and later saying something along the lines that it's ok because it makes growth more useful, it's end times, not much time passes between turns so it's realistic, etc.
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