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Old March 12th, 2008, 11:29 PM
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Default Re: And Chaos Reigned...

Too much chaos...I was VERY careful to ensure the attacks from all three provinces into Citala had no sneakers and that all was well. The last thing I did before hitting Turn End was to right click on each province and confirm the moves.

But one province failed to send their troops. I've seen a bug report on this, but it is most unfortunate.

So instead of 176 screaming Ulmish, there were but 93 vs. 146 Marverni and what looked like 61 PD (a 20PD, right fantasma?). The missing troops included over half my Steel Warriors...the ones who should have covered my flanks. So his cav got thru to my archers...ugly.

So I only had a kill ratio, not counting PD, of 2:1...82 Marverni dead vs. 41 Ulm dead. Province Retaken...

If all attackers had come in there may not have been any Marverni left at all.
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