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Old March 13th, 2008, 03:38 AM
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Default Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)

Corwin said:
Lingchih said:
Indeed, it is strange coincidence. Still, it makes it a bit easier, does it not? You already know what to do from that spot.
Aye, indeed it does. The Caelum High Command has its strategy planned for the next 25 turns down to the single soldier and last arrow. Generals are greatly relieved that they will not have to recreate all their genius plans due to change of our starting location.

Of course all these plans are based on assumption that any potential opponent we will encounter will instantly surrender and will cry tears of joy of being able to join our glorious empire. But our generals have assured us that this is very reasonable and safe assumption.
Umm, your not privy to the plans of the Caelum High Command, that is a right only reserved for me
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