Thread: Eriu guide
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Old March 13th, 2008, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: Eriu guide

All I know is it was a lot of arrows. Yeah, I'll do several things differently if I do this one again. My assertion was really about unafflicted and fully equipped Sidhe Lords, I figured out pretty quick that the lack of a vine shield greatly reduced their survivability because the hits rack up faster than the regen can balance. So much so that I stopped sending them out without them despite the fact I was sitting on a bunch of frost brands and unused Sidhe Lords (well, they were pitifully researching). As I said, I found that this build has exactly what it needs and no more. Remove vine shield, they die. Remove regen, they die. Remove frost brand (or some other AOE weapon) they'll often end up retreating. Remove mistform, they die. Remove barkskin, they die against some PDs- though this can be necessary if you need 100% FR. Put it all together though while stealthily dancing around the real defenders and you'll cause much teeth gnashing while only being out a couple hundred gold and a handful of gems when you miscalculate.
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