An good elephant rush will have 20 elephants, not 3-5. And it will be backed by numerous astrologers, many whom teleport to the front lines to reinforce. In my experience, ulm's troops do not stand up well to mind burn/soul slay a bit later on.
a) I just wanted to see if ulm had a unit to counter elephants. The forum wisdom is that ulm has nothing that can beat an elephant. Nothing. But gold-cost equivalents did fine in my limited testing.
b) I specifically mentioned that support troops change things, but that it goes both ways. So you now need some smiths in the mix as well.
c) 20 elephants is 2000 gold. How many is "numerous" @180 apiece? I assume hyperiasts are hypaspists - how many of those? How much gold are we working with here?
d) what does a rush mean, exactly? That hardly sounds like a rush to my ears - it's a strong, prepared attack force. What turn do you expect to have that on?