Baalz -- I'm glad we agree! Us Ulm players have to stick together.
Twan -- I agree that rushing to artifacts is risky. I wouldn't do it every game, but as Ulm a nice bonus as Baalz pointed out is Weapons of Sharpness at Const-7. One of the best buffs, and Ulm can cast it with no problem.
However, I think I am inclined to agree with those like Xietor who say that Ulm is extremely weak when faced with a strong early game elephant rush, esp. backed with astral mages. Not that there is no hope if you are creative, but generally you will be in a world of hurt.
I just disagree that you should base your whole strategy with Ulm around defending against an elephant rush.
I am not surprised that you aren't generally an Ulm player, Xietor. You don't seem to think like an Ulm player, hehe (some people would take that as a compliment). Criticisms of Ulm really are valid, Ulm has weaknesses, and if you are concerned about them, the best way to avoid them is to not play Ulm, lol.
Arcosephale and Caelum pose big problems for Ulm, so why not play Arcosephale or Caelum instead?
When I pick a faction, I do so because I am excited about something, some strength they have, not because I'd like to minimize a weakness they have.
I look at Ulm and see, wow, they are the best forge race in the game, how can you max that out to full effect? And I might get stomped by elephants. But that is life.