The Atlantians, in their inestimable wisdom, had decided to send their octopus god to my shores to build a laboratory for me. Why they wished to do this is beyond my meager land-bound mind, but there it is. (By the way, the next time Jolkuna would like to visit, be sure to make an appointment ahead of time; it would appear that you trapezed out just before my company of Soul Slay-spamming grand masters could arrive to welcome you.)
I built the lab just to trapeze Jolkuna down to Arco as she was badly needed there, and it was worth it as she tipped the tide at Arcos capital! I forgot to raze it but what the hell...
I wonder what a cloud trapezing ancient kraken looks like, it must be quite a sight
Abores, student at Arcocephale university, sighed heavily as he turned the telesope. Another night of staring at the stars, no wonder those astrologers were a bit crazy. It took a while before he realized something was strange about the sky, a large star like black shape was growing fast and covered up the stars. He watched. "It has tentacles" he thought. Then he started running. The kraken crashed upon the university roof just asr Abores threw himself out of range. When he looked up the gigantic monster was looking dizzily down on him. His last thought: "damn, I shouldn´t have ordered sushi..."