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Old March 17th, 2008, 07:01 PM
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Gregstrom Gregstrom is offline
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Default Re: Big bin O\' Mod ideas

I was thinking of an EA machaka that was sentient spiders with human slaves, and a LA Machaka where the Spider Cult was still going but the spiders had died out - in that one the Black Sorcerers had delved into Blood Magic to try and cross-breed humans with spiders. Trouble is, there's no way to create a national variant on Cross Breeding that throws out the spider hybrids mostly and then an occasional super sized spider monster.

My other thought was a LA Oceania. The last remnants of the Oceanians, fleeing the insanity of R'lyeh expanding into the shallows, hide in the black abyssal depths of an oceanic trench even R'lyeh has yet to penetrate. Within it they find an aeons-old city carved out of basalt, covered with outcroppings of a strange dark crystal. The city is worshipped by tribes of ancient, primitive Shamblers. There could even be Abyssal Deep Ones, the last offshoots of the Agarthan race, living in the abyssal caves. They'd be adapted to the oceanic depths and be blind, maybe finned, and not necessarily amphibious. Magic would be low to medium levels of Nature, Earth, Water, Fire. Expensive troops could have weapons made of dark crystal, with a secondary effect of some sort. Maybe even some Aboleths are living in the bottom of the trench...
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