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Old March 19th, 2008, 02:14 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: Gath, dev diary or something

Kristoffer O said:
I started to write this post as an answer to Wraithlord, but I figured it would be better to place in a new thread.

I have long waited with Gath, since I'm very fond of ancient near eastern myth. I have always felt a bit worried that they would not become what I imagined, so I've waited. From time to time I have done some research, but never very focused. A couple of weeks ago I got inspired and did a lot of research and begun with descriptions. It was about at the same time as the 3.15 was in beta, so I could not work on the game per se.

I started to write descriptions while reading, which was rewarding. Old ideas were combined with new ones, and soon Gath, the LA version of the nation took form. Gath is the most israelite of the three nations. It draws inspiration from philistines and the israelites before the diaspora. The cult is centered around the Great Temple. From Gath, the few remaining giants rule their human subjects.
The humans of Gath live subjugated by the gittite giants, denied even the lore of iron-working. (Philistines used iron, but kept it from the israelis).
The gittites are descendants of the Rephaim, mighty giants of an earlier age (EA and MA).

Ashdod (MA) is a nation of Rephaim giants. A few human immigrants have been enslaved and used in warfare, but they are as rare as they are worthless. Ashdod is one of the cities of the Anakim, mightiest of the Rephaim and pure-blooded descendants of the godlike Nephilim of the earliest time.

Hinnom (EA) is a nation of Rephaim and lesser giants. The blood of the Nephilim runs strong and the Rephaim are few but powerful. Avvites and Horim (lesser giants) compose much of the population.

So far:
Gath is finished.
Ashdod is lacking commanders, mages and sacred units.
Hinnom only has Horites and Avvites as of yet.

I have not begun work on summons yet.
I think just for variety I'm going to have to mod in a nation of little short creatures that enslave giants.
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