KO, your post/diary is very enlightening.
Have you considered adding specific pretenders/summons based on the gods, daemons, worshiped at this era (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categor...e_Hebrew_Bible), prominent among them:
1. "Ashtoret", aka Astarte, Goddess of fertility (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astarte) was associated with the deamon Astaroth (
2. Ba'al Zebûb, the lord of flies, a deamon prince/god worshiped by the Philistine
3. Dagon, already here
4. Moloch, A fertility god to which humans were sacrificed (
5. Angel orders, for which I'm sure you know much more than myself. I just want to point to this nice site the supposedly has a complete list of the angel and daemon orders according to Christianity,
In any case I'm *sure* the nations will come out great and I'm really looking forward to the next patch