Stryke11 said:
About running MoM. I don't have specific rememberance, but I know that sometime in the past three years I loaded it up and played it on my WinXP rig (same as it is now, only diff is a beter vid card) and I DON'T recall using any helper programs. I know WinXP has a menu you can pull up when you right click a .bat or .exe file that impacts how it tries to run the file...perhaps there's another way? I own the game, but I think this recent install was from a dl'd copy (who can keep full track of game CD's from that far back). I don't have it installed anymore, so sorry I can't give more specific help.
There is a change you can make in your registry that will allow you to run the game without the help of DosBox or VDMsound. The registry change enables a menu item when you right click and choose properties and toggle the memory settings. This is the way I ran the game on Windows 98, ME and XP for years.
Then I wanted to hear the sounds, so I started using VDMsound. If I can figure out the registry change again, I will post it, because out of all the ways I have run the game, it ran the best straight in windows without sound. It never crashed, the turns loaded the quickest and there were no problems with the cpu speed.