I gave Ermor 3 turn notice before I invaded his lands! If you respected your NAP's like most people do in this game than I would not be angry. I am going to cast a Wrath of God that will not be able to be dispelled (I dare you to try), So go ahead and invade...
Oops, forgot that mail. Well. I must have been berserk at the time, or busy making maenads !
You still attacked Ermor when it had most of its armies elsewhere and basically finished any hope it had to win its current war. Which means that any other war I may do will have you breaking your NAP and opening a second front on my back. Speak about "respect" whan your actions show some. Breaking a NAP while caring for the time limit on a nation is not respectful either when the nation attacked cannot defend itself properly whether or not the time is respected (due to having most of his armies in bandar log or my territory).
Anyway, the only fact that you deliberatly cut my access to Ermor a few turns ago is an aggressive action you did that is enough to break that treaty anyway.
(Finally, remember that I take your anger and all messages here as only roleplay.)