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Old March 20th, 2008, 06:53 AM
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Default Re: Gath, dev diary or something

Bah! on you

Other nations are not Biblical. This is a nation of Biblical proportions. Thus Grand, thus more expectations. Tremble before the Rephaim!

Seriously though, I'm satisfied with the nation. Generally I like my later nations more. I think I'm steering towards culture more and more. I didn't do much research when I begun dom-ppp, since there was no particular need. I knew enough to make a somewhat generic roman nation, but later on got annoyed that Pythium didn't have diverse legionnaries, so they were remade into hastatii, principes etc. The later nations are more historically grounded, for good or bad (perhaps not Agartha ).

Personally I like the oldest nations least. Man, Pytium, Ulm and Marignon have been with me for over a decade, and I do percieve them as a bit generic. I like LA Pythium far better than MA, and I Like LA Ulm better then MA (the new MA stuff helps though).
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