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Old March 21st, 2008, 07:37 PM
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Default Re: Suggestion for new wish

No, just 15 gems vs. 90 gems. And I didn't mean this to be any kind of game exploit anyway.

You wouldn't need to wish for sanity for a good dozen or more turns after you use the rod for wishes. The thing is, you wouldn't fear the insanity effect anymore, though, and you'd be faster to use the Rod instead of other means, always sure that you could fix your super mage / pretender. I like that there is stuff in the game that's twisted and dangerous, where you have to sacrifice something if you want to utilize its power.

Why would anybody wish for sanity anyway? Either because of the Rod, or to make LA R'lyeh even stronger. I don't suppose R'lyeh's enemies could use this as some kinda defense against their dominion. Or is there anything else to it?
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