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Old March 21st, 2008, 08:03 PM

Evil Dave Evil Dave is offline
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Default Re: Why do people hate on Ulm?

DonCorazon said:
Well, having played MA Ulm in my first MP game I can tell you - I took a commanding lead and built some impressive armies. Then my opponents start developing spells like Darkness, Arrow Fend, Flaming Arrows, etc. My mighty armies quickly became targets for high level evocation spells.
Yup++. Way back when the earth was young and I'd just picked up Dom2, people recommended Ulm because it was easy to learn. I had the frustrating experience of being smashed in the same way: gee, look at all the stuff my "easy" nation can't do! I was hopeful Dom3 would fix Ulm (now MA Ulm), but I was disappointed w/ it.

I do like EA Ulm, tho.
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