ArkhanTheBlack said:
"Suddenly an arrow appeared out of the sky and struck Pazinah straight in the heart. She died instantly."
Did you get this message or something like this? If you did, you were really unlucky even in heavy enemy dominion, because Seeking Arrow only deals 8+random variation points of damage. It ignores armor, though, and causes a Chest Wound affliction.
Yes, that was the message! I also a got an affliction one round before which really surprised me. I guess he started spamming this spell on me each round. It probably wouldn't have happened in my dominion because I'd too much HP there, not to mention the regeneration.
Hmm, was the message about a dagger or an arrow? If it was a dagger, it seems unlikely the spell is Seeking Arrow. Also, is it possible to cast the spell on a province more than once? This would seem a bit overpowered if you could say, have twenty mages spamming a province with Seeking Arrow on the same turn. And if you did cast it twenty times, wouldn't it generate twenty messages for the targeted player on the next turn?