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Old March 22nd, 2008, 02:51 AM

Renojustin Renojustin is offline
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Default Re: Urgent Thug advice needed

Undead can make a good chassis for SC because of their 0 encumbrance. But at the same time, this makes you vulnerable to anti-undead spells like Wither Bones which can't be defended against. Still it's a tossup because Drain Life doesn't work against Lifeless units, which means most undead will be safe against it. But Drain Life is a lot tougher to research and use than Wither Bones, so it's still a concern, but 12+ unresistable damage by D1 mages via Wither Bones which only takes one level of research seems to me to be more of a danger to SCs.
Sauromatia: Lawful Evil
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