Re: Anyone want to play a quick newbie game?
Yep, the general system is just to start a thread explaining what the game settings will be, and asking for people to join. Newbie games seem insanely popular at the moment, I guess we have lots of new people around.
My own suggestion would be to keep money, resources and supplies at 100%, turn renaming on and put hall of fame to 15 (merely because it's fun). I think going for 300% money etc might well be fun in it's own way, but I reckon as a newbie game it makes more sense to get used to the vanilla game rather than a somewhat bizarre variant of it (not necessarily bizarre in a bad way, but man, with that much gold the pacing must be nuts!).
I have been using my modified Parganos map a lot - I think it's good for 8 players. However, if you fancy a change (I am worried I will bore everyone to death with it) there are loads of good maps on .