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Old March 23rd, 2008, 01:10 PM
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Default Re: newbtopia- ea game for new players(recruiting)

I would like to play. Fomoria please.

I would rather it was a team game but am OK if its a free for all. There is still some diplomacy in a team game (if the teams are of just 2 each).

Diplomacy is fine but bare in mind that it is relatively easy. It takes little skill compared to using Communions, research strategy, SC design and use, army / resource balance, mage use etc. So compared to the skill of the game sending a few pms and emails is easy. Unless you are rushing who isn't going to go for immeadiate NAPs while the independents are there? And is decided a large part by luck. Who you meet first often decides who will be your friends rather than your enemies. Who stabs who first is often decided on map location or who gets involved in a war first (leaving them vulnerable to a stab).

I have not played much Dominions mp, but I have played other mp games. Civ, Age of Wonders etc. And once the space / independents go the early alliances can then unravel very quickly. People in central locations, or those who for what ever reason appear weak can then be gang attacked and knocked out very quickly. It isn't pleasent as its you ex-allies who are wielding the knives and numbers count in this (and most) games. Unless you are already very strong you can't fight a two or three front war and as its you ex allies you have no one to help you.

You need allies or at least NAPs to survive in this game. So why not formalise them at the beginning? You then have someone who you can discuss tactics and strategy. Someone who is on your side and can actually help you. We are all newbies to a degree so could all benefit from bouncing ideas and plans off one another. That is not present in free for all when all 'allies' can soon become enemies.

And you still get some diplomacy in a team game. There may be NAPs while the independents are going and therefore border negociations. Some trading is possible and desirable. Plus alliances against the strongest team. But everyone knows the score. You have no friends outside your team.

Team games = a proper ally, someone to discuss the game with and learn from. Far more social. Cooperation rewarded.

Free for all = much more ruthless. All diplomacy fake as there can be only one. But the fake diplomacy is essential as you both need the NAPs and trades until you can organise an alliance to take down your 'ally'.

Some people much prefer the latter. Thats fine but when they say they like it BECAUSE of the diplomacy aspects you have to wonder

Diplomacy - not quite as good as you think its going to be
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