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Old March 23rd, 2008, 05:20 PM

kasnavada kasnavada is offline
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Default Re: Ulm Triumphant

Nicely done ! I was so afraid of that cavalry !

I profit from this post to say I also have lots of water gems with no use for them.

We also have a lot of water gems, and would like nature gems or earth gems in echange if possible !

Also, this day only for you all : a new Rhea novel !
"Once again, the warcries resonated in the empty halls of Farseer mountains. The lizard that inhabited there were too alien to be of good company, and everyone else had left. The war against Ermor was started too soon, and as a result, most of Pangaean territory had been rampaged. The counter-attack worked though, and they fled from Pangaean lands... or died there.

War was everywhere, and to the North, the people of Vanheim was killed by some other people, from Ulm. A lot of gods where running around these days, and Rhea wished she hadn't gotten involved with all this.

The Lord of Forest had decided that the enemy was Shinuyama. The citizen barely had enough time to enjoy bandit-free lands that the war started anew. This time though, it would be different. That's what the citizens were told, at least. But Rhea had seen a lot since the Lord took over Pangaea. The lord was not understandable by mortel minds such as herself. He also went berserk for no reasons at all, or maybe reasons that made only sense to him. The last time it happened was a few month ago. He went to medidate in the forest on a whim, came back with several dozens of maenads, and new orders : war !

She knew that he occasionally shouted orders when berserk, but since the first war began, orders where followed, no matter what the state of mind of the Lord of Forests was. But even a God couldn't berserk after a few month of meditations, and still that order was issued. Thus the war started."
Often I must speak other than I think. That is called diplomacy.
* Stilgar
Show me a completely smooth operation and I'll show you a cover up. Real boats rock.
* Darwi Odrade
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