DonCorazon said:
What surprises me is, given the apparent size of the fan base here, how few reviews there are on popular sites like Metacritic and Amazon.
Metacritic is unfortunately rather useless to the indie world. The fact that there are eight reviews from official sites/publications is actually pretty good compared to most non-mainstream reviews, but still sorely lacking. They also drop titles from their list pretty quickly. I recall the frustration I had when Weird Worlds came out, and though it was getting great reviews left and right Metacritic refused to put them up even after I pointed every single one out to them. That's when I learned they only use "approved" review sites. Or so they say. You'll notice that for a really popular, big budget title like Halo 38 they'll have reviews from everyone on the planet.
As far as Amazon goes I think that's simply a matter of most folks not realizing that you can find it on Amazon.
The 'Geek is a good avenue. Jason Lutes, who has been active in the map making community before, is on their fairly regular so there are some Dom players already there. I know we've looked into advertising with them, not sure what type of decisions have been made with that.