Re: Dominions 3: popularity rising?
I've been on the Geek for a couple years and know people who log on and read it religiously such as one of my close friends who runs the Berkeley board game group. It is an amazing site - the amount of user created content is staggering and I think one of the best examples of the power of web communities.
I think MP Dom 3 comes closer than anything else in providing the epic fantasy war game experience dreamt of by many board gamers, going back to games like TSR's Divine Right, and Avalon Hill's Titan, leading up to FantasyFlight's a Game of Thrones and Days of Wonder's Battlelore. Even better, the PC format of Dom 3 takes care of all the mechanical pain of an actual boardgame (dice, looking up results on tables, etc.). Either an ad or comments from BGG users like myself (I believe word of mouth is the best form of advertisement, especially when it is from authentic / non-troll sources) would be useful in capturing this demographic to increase Dominions fan base.
i crossed blades with the mightiest warriors of the golden age. i witnessed with sorrow the schism that led to the passing of legends. now my sword hangs in its scabbard, with nothing but memories to keep it warm.