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Old March 24th, 2008, 05:41 PM

Ewierl Ewierl is offline
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Default Re: Which nations represent order and good?

Personally, I consider LA Man to be one of the most positive socities, in terms of internal benevolence (benefits for own people) and a lack of any major sketchy practices (e.g. institutionalized torture or human sacrifice).

In an age when death-magic and world-consuming powerhouses spread widely, with magic on the decline, the nation with strong civic/mundane educational practices has a big edge on the "benevolence" count. While most nations are in decline and decay, Man has turned its decline into a new path that is only just beginning, and would reap serious long-term benefits. Ulm turned away from the path of craft/technology between MA and LA, leaving Man to carry the banner of post-magic progress.
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